30 Hour Famine Friday, May 2 12:00 PM to Saturday, May 3 6:00 PM
LEARN - One purpose of the 30 hour Famine is to provide the youth with a perspective and understanding for those people that struggle for their next meal and/or fresh drinking water.
RAISE MONEY – Another purpose is to collect donations for these people.
DRAW CLOSE TO GOD AND EACH OTHER – The Youth will focus on God and others instead of themselves.
CHANGE THE WORLD – After the famine, the Youth will be able to tell others about their experiences. All money raised will be sent to World Vision to help others.
What will the Youth do? – The Youth are trusted to have their last meal at noon on Friday. They will bring a sleeping bag, pillows, a change of clothes and toiletries to the Church between 5:30 and 6:00. Here they will learn about other cultures and God and their faith. Rest and sleep are important and are expected. Water and juice will be available. If necessary, there will be fruit and granola bars. Saturday, at 6 PM the parents and some Church members will bring food for a pot luck feast. We ask that sweets be kept to a minimum. After the meal, the Youth will go home.
What can the Church do? –
Pray for them –Sign up for an hour of prayer.
Feed them – Sign up for the potluck. Bring a meal and sit with the Youth to learn what they have learned.
Donate – See one of the members of the Youth Ministry Team listed below.