Reflections from Pastor Anna: September 2013
Read entire September 2013 newsletter, click here to download.
“I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Ephesians 4:3)
The month of August at Friendship has been full of events. A long- time favorite, ‘All Church Picnic’ has been resurrected as we embark on a new school year. It was so lovely to watch many people, young and old, mingling together with big smiles. Thank you to those grillers for filling my office with the smell and smoke of a picnic! The sound of the ‘choo-choo’ train and the climbing wall were a special dab of festivity. Thank you Social Life Ministry Team for letting us enjoy the spirit of community.
Even though we enjoyed one another’s presence on this day, we were saddened by news of the resignation of Terri O’Gara, our Youth Director. There is no one who could replace Terri who gave herself whole-heartedly to the youth ministry for many years.
While we look for staff persons for children’s ministry and youth ministry, we’ll seek an opportu-nity to strengthen the lay leadership, especially for the educational ministry. One thing that I have been so grateful and thrilled about is that 27 people responded ‘YES’ to be Sunday School teachers for the coming year!
Last Monday evening, the first Teacher’s Workshop was held. Each one was asked, “Why did you say ‘yes’ to teaching?”
These are the responses:
- to nurture children to grow in faith
- to thank those who mentored me growing up in the church
- to step up to help the need in our church
- Somebody asked
- Because it is important to work for church
- to teach Christ and to help youth know God and have a relationship with God
- A sense of call for nurturing our children
- To enjoy working with and being around many different ages of people, young and old
Each response was precious. Are you excited that these are our children’s teachers at Friendship? I am so humbled by working with them. I wonder if we should ask this question of ourselves about ministry we do, whether as a leader of the ministry or as a supporter through-out the year. I am sure our vision would be sharpened.
May God continue to guide and strengthen our work for the coming of God’s reign.
Pastor Anna